Yale vs. Harvard vs. Princeton: What other universities can give you crème de la crème education?

Harvard, Columbia, and Yale are known for their strict admission rules and as a result many enrollees are left behind. Whereas the students of these renowned universities can effortlessly launch a successful career, those who were not admitted may eventually be at an advantage as well.
PaleScale report that Harvard's median annual return on investment (ROI) is 7.1%, which is 323rd in the USA. Accordingly, ROI signifies that attending college will eventually pay off in the form of increased potential career earnings, which proves that the decision of skipping four years of education is insensible.
A great deal of American public universities and some private ones do not charge so much money and in return open up even more opportunities.
Nine Top-notch Country's Educational Establishments
Georgia Institute of Technology
Median annual ROI (in-state): 12.5%
Average early career salary: $62,300
This establishment is included in America's top 10 public universities. Georgia Institute of Technology graduates make an admirable career in miscellaneous spheres. Just for the record, some of them run the gamut from comedian Jeff Foxworthy to former ruler of the USA Jimmy Carter. The cost of studying there for in-state students is less than $10,000 for an academic year not including quite pricey accommodation and board.
Harvey Mudd College
Median annual ROI: 8.7%
Average early career salary: $76,300
Being a tiny liberal arts college, it excels at preparing students for the challenges of the real world. The college is in the lead in the rating median career starting salary in the country with a healthy 8.7% ROI. Lots of budding graduates launched their careers in software and engineering. The college's median student debt is $21,920 that is below the country's average.
Brigham Young University
Median annual ROI: 12.5%
Average early career salary: $53,200
Located in Provo, Utah, this small university with unbelievable 12.5% annual ROI for its alumni ranks first in the country together with Georgia Institute of Technology. The graduates' salaries reach a solid $53,200. This university is advantageous in both accommodation and studying, and it cost less than $13,000 in 2014-2015. Although the Mormon church does not advocate the recognition of LGBT rights, Brigham Young University's "honor code statement" no longer forbids same-sex attraction.
Rice University
Median annual ROI: 7.9%
Average early career salary: $65,500
If you still have not resolved a dilemma "Yale vs. Harvard which is better?", Texas's Rice University can put an end to your indecisiveness. Their alumnus usually have a $65,500 starting salary and an almost 8% return on their investment after graduation. Being the main research university, it still has an amiable atmosphere, and the classes do not exceed the limit of 15 students. Heading the ratings of the most expensive universities, it is quite generous when it comes to financial support. Being wrongly considered as the hardest college to get into in the world, of 413 applicants found to have financial aid, 412 received monetary help in the 2013-2014 school year.
University of California, Berkeley
Median annual ROI (in-state): 9.9%
Average early career salary: $60,200
The numbers above speak volumes. Having an in-state ROI of 9.9% and graduates' starting salary ranging from $60,000, it is no wonder that Berkley is regarded as the best public school in the USA. Additionally, Berkeley received recognition for its wide cross-section of disciplines. Only Harvard and Princeton surpass Berkeley in philosophy but it is clearly a number one in environmental engineering. The evidence of students' satisfaction with this university is its impressive average freshman retention rate that is 96.8%.
University of Virginia
Median annual ROI (in-state): 10.6%
Average early career salary: $55,000
The University of Virginia is another price-winner according to the nomination America's top-quality public institutions. Being established in 1819 by the third President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, the university has more than 10% in-state ROI that is somehow connected to the in-state tuition that is less than $13,000 a year. With a major focus on international relations and business, this school proved that it is not obligatory to specialize in software engineering to take the job market by storm.
Oregon Institute of Technology
Median annual ROI (in-state): 11.0%
Average early career salary: $58,800
If you are a technician and cannot decide what is better Yale vs. Harvard vs. Princeton, consider Oregon Institute of Technology. Having a splendid location, this educational institution impresses with its 11% in-state ROI and starting salaries pushing $60,000. Affluent graduates return to their alma mater to assist with sustainable development. In 2005, this school was the first to major in renewable energy in North America. The university attempts to bring the philosophy it teaches students to life, heating the school by means of geothermal water and using solar panels to generate more than a third of its electricity. World Report and U.S. News report that this university is included in the top 10 list of American colleges in the west.
Texas A&M
Median annual ROI (in-state): 11.4%
Average early career salary: $54,600
This university is crucial for American public education. The 5,200-acre major campus is one of the biggest in the USA. The monetary contribution is $11 billion at most. According to state's history, lots of school graduates receive six-figure incomes chasing oil gold as petroleum engineers. Annually, the school allocates more than $500 million which can help more than 7 out of 10 students.
University of Maryland
Median annual ROI (in-state): 10.5%
Average early career salary: $53,300
Undoubtedly, it is the best place to get a degree in the state of Maryland. Not only does the flagship school of the state's public university system guarantee its in-state students a 10.5% return on investment but also a well-paid job after graduation. Being distinct from all presented universities, the University of Maryland is famous for its diversity policy as only 55% of its students are white, whereas Asian, black, and Latinos comprise a considerable number of minorities. However, while the tuition fee for in-state students is less than $10,000, its accommodation and board will cost you much more.