Global Health essay

Human Security in the Context of Global Health

In the context of global health, human security refers to the activities and measures both reactive and proactive implemented in order to minimize people’s vulnerability to acute public health events that endanger their collective health across national and international boundaries (World Health Organization, 2007). Human security with regard to global health means that a human population is entitled to the highest attainable standards of health outlined by WHO constitution regardless of the race, political belief and geographical location. It important to note that due to globalization, the vulnerability factors tend to be unique across the globe (World health report, 2013). However, the ability to respond to such factors varies due to socio-economic and geo-politic differences. Therefore, promotion of human security with regard to health requires transition to universal health coverage of the global population. As a result, it will be possible to promote human security through internationally agreed health development goals.

Health a Concern in a Global Context

Health has become a concern globally especially as many national governments expand their understanding on the need of universal health coverage. Progress made toward global universal health coverage act as a guiding principle for the development of health systems that promote health globally (World Health Organization, 2007). It is a concern globally because it is evident that a healthier environment means healthy global population, and economy. Furthermore, it also evident that a path to universal health coverage has become an ambition for all nations globally at all stages of development. The timetable and priorities for the establishment of universal health care differs between nations (World Health Organization, 2007). However, in all nations, the ultimate objective is ensuring that all people access health services they need without the risks of financial hardships globally. Such drastic changes have been motivated by the need to counter increasing vulnerability to acute health events that endanger the health of the global population.

Who should be concerned? Why?

Global health and human security should be a growing concern for all nations and all people. Diseases do not respect boundaries, and this can be evidenced by the spread of HIV/AIDS across the world. Many questions about human security and global health require local answers. This makes global health a primary concern of every government. In addition, the New Health Insurance Survey shows that 84 million people are still uninsured. This means that millions of people continue to fall into medical debts, and this makes human security a matter of concern to everybody. According to New Health Insurance Survey, more and more people across the world continue to skip health care only because they are unable to afford. In the year 2012, approximately 80 million people reported that despite their need of medical attention, they never visited a doctor or filled a prescription as a result of related costs. Another reason why human security and global health should be a concern of everybody is that although there has been improved global commitment to universal health coverage, there are still many baffling questions on how to deliver accessible health services to all people in all settings. More exploration has been devoted in new technologies rather than making use of existing knowledge.

Significance of Differences in the Types of Disease and Their Prevalence in Different Nations

A nation or a population is affected by a health issue because of different factors. Different parts of the world are affected differently by different diseases (Merson & Mills, 2012). In countries where poverty is rampant, residents are highly affected. Various diseases thrive well in given locations. For example, TB is most prevalent in Southeast Asia and Africa (Healthy People, 2013). Additionally, the cultural practices can help in the spread and manifestation of a disease. Diseases like diabetes, heart problems, cancer, nutritional diseases alcoholism and chronic kidney diseases are associated with uneducated people. Educated people will suffer much from chronic diseases. In addition, the production and supply of various types of processed foods, tobacco and alcohol in the international markets have produced lifestyle conditions (Healthy People, 2013).


  1. Colins, S. R., Doty, M. M., Robertson, R., Garber, T., & Commonwealth Fund. (2011). Help on the horizon: How the recession has left millions of workers without health insurance, and how health reform will bring relief : findings from the Commonwealth Fund Biennial Health Insurance Survey of 2010. New York, N.Y.: Commonwealth Fund.
  2. Healthy People. (2013, April 10). Global health. HealthyPeople.Gov. Retrieved from
  3. Merson, M. H., Black, R. E., & Mills, A. J. (2012). Global health: Diseases, programs, systems, and policies. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
  4. World Health Organization. (2007). the world health report 2007- A safer future: Global public  Health security in the 21st century. Retrieved from Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. World health report, 2013: Research for universal health coverage. (2013). Geneva: World Health Organization.

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