AIDS Epidemic essay

I feel touched by the group of scientists that joined to comprehend the horrifying mysterious disease. The disease must have battled and battled the public, with the indifference in the Reagan administration on the diseases. The funding for the research was limited, hence majority of the scientists felt pressured. I think that Dr. Don Francis, the veteran of the world Health organization of the small pox eradication and Ebola in Africa in 1976, should be recommended for the good work. The people dedicated all their efforts while working for the centre of disease control in Atlanta with no money and space. Dr. Francis pursued his disease that AIDS is as a cause of sexually transmitted disease, with the virus model similar to leukemia. Besides the lab work, the film educates on the leather epidemiology especially in San Francisco, preceding solutions to the laborious questioning of the Aids patients. From the investigation it was clear that it needed an individual to have evidence that Aids could not only be transmitted between homosexuals. It determined that the disease could be transmitted by blood transfusion. The scene demonstrated in the movie was to indicate how the government was reluctant to allocate the scientists with the needed funds for research. The president further reduced the money allocated to public Health through the department of defense.

It would have been the best experience to have the opportunity to participate in grass root epidemiological studies. The research involved questioning the patients from patient zero. This is because this film presents the heroes credited of the number of AIDS from 1985 to 1993. The research faced complexities of science and their political consequences. The political ironic science set high standards for repeatedly proofing that the narrow interests and a reluctance to deal with the AIDS epidemic. From the experiences, I can agree that the medical breakthroughs can have delays because of lack of cooperation, frustrating the efforts of dedicated staff. The CDC officials ran to large barriers in their investigation, as the homosexual men refused to participate in the testing and tracing of their identities. In addition the doctor in charge also needed a microscope worth $190,000 dollars was not successful.

The climate at that time was not conducive for the gay men, and it was frustrating. The film shows that the film shows that gay men were reluctant to give up their heterosexual revolution and the gay owners of the bathhouses UN willing to close voluntarily their highly profitable centers for fear of infection. In addition, like the other gays, I would have mixed feelings from the disease. The American doctors from the underfunded Center for Disease control scramble to figure out theory behind the epidemic. I would be afraid because there were alarming rate of gay men in the beginning of 1980s. The strain was thought to be a fatal strain of hepatitis Band pneumonia. The members of the society under the Reagan administration voted the disease as not worthy and associated with the homosexual community. The disease was labeled the early causes as gay Cancer, therefore the Centre for Disease control fought with the better means of filtering the contaminated blood. The homosexuals’ were also intimidated as they were closely studied and rejected members of the society. Amidst the panic, the Center for Disease Control quarantined the population of the people in the United States from the rest of the community. Majority of the people have no cure and poor care. For example, one of the men infected with the virus was car wrecked and did not receive any medical care as he was bleeding which really was an awful thing.

The news coverage and the political coverage in the film did not present the other options for the people infected with the virus. In the film, the people with AIDS were stigmatized with the beliefs that the HIV Aids could only be transmitted through sexual interactions. In the film the news, coverage did not support people with the disease. Instead, they went through stigmatization, neglecting in the society, and victimized as homosexual victims. Through the research done by Don and the CDC, the staff gained enough insights to prove that the disease could be transmitted through blood transfusion. However, it was difficult to prove, as there were no scientific experiments carried out to ascertain the evidence. The media failed to give the disease the attention that it deserved since it was discovered in 1970. Due to the political and social stigmatization, the disease was never given the priority that it deserved. According to the Ministry of health, they thought that the disease was a concern but not a priority. Due to poor awareness, the disease spread quietly until it has become an epidemic. Furthermore, demystifying around homosexuality did not help as the disease spread faster.

The best lessons learnt from the media and the movie is that the disease needs to be taken with seriousness and caution, because at this point the disease was controllable. Out of ignorance of the public, the disease spread at a huge rate. Aids have to be an example to the public service and the government of the other likely diseases that could occur and therefore needs to be addressed urgently. The governments should provide enough funds and support to the scientists. This comes in as a precaution because fighting the current epidemics is expensive. All the people in the society need right treatment irrespective of their affiliation. If the homosexuals were accepted in the society, it would have been easy to study the disease.

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