Entrepreneurial Animal essay

The questions regarding what makes one people more entrepreneurial than others and whether policy-makers can do anything to promote entrepreneurship had interested various scholars. This essay is an attempt to analyse some scientific bases on entrepreneurship and generate the Entrepreneurial Animal report based of the test respectively.

Licht (2007) argues that the entrepreneurial spirit consists of the preferences of particular value: high openness-to-change and high self-enhancement. His hypotheses are considered to be consistent with existing empirical evidence. The main idea of this theory is that the inclination of an individual to engage in the creation of new venture may not correspond to policy measures (Licht 2007). Despite the scholar attempted to identify the measures for entrepreneurship promotion by making entrepreneurs more highly motivated, the recent research indicates that empirical and theoretical issues that must be resolved before those measures could be confidently employed, are intractable.

Verzat & Bachelet (2006) analyze the educational factors regarding developing an entrepreneurial spirit among engineering students of college level. There are many reasons that provoked their exploration of the entrepreneurial spirit concept from the point of view of university's affect on individual. Thus, the scholars present the implications for entrepreneurship education.

The first, they point out the importance of group dynamics during the student curriculum (Verzat & Bachelet 2006). They consider setting up the project activities as a major factor for entrepreneurial spirit development. However, Verzat & Bachelet (2006) argue about the need to be aware of the conditions under which such dynamic can appear.

The second argument concerns the need for evaluation of pre-entrepreneurship education, with its current tendency to measure differences in the intentions of students to set up a business. At the same time, choices in the curriculum could be measured in this case as well.

Considering specific example of the complementary image based on my Entrepreneurial Animal test, the result has shown that I have the qualities of a successful entrepreneur along with certain weak points. The most essential is to have a clear understanding regarding self-starters. Despite these types of people look like everyone else, they are very different with their stronger feelings and self-expression.

It is very important element that shall be taken into the consideration when risking by investing own time and money in business: person must have a strong feeling about the future success. However, such feelings may provoke problems as well. If person wants to start his or her own business, they might have mixed feelings regarding authority: in this case, felling comfortable working under someone is meant.

As for the fear of success, I mostly keep things under control almost without any hesitation to start and take on extra responsibilities when new opportunities appear. Climbing the success ladder, there is a little hesitation present. I usually interpret gained success as a result of my intelligence and skills, although luck has to help in this case as well. Thus, I am usually able to accept what I deserve.

Although rejection by others crosses my mind from time to time, I am not the one that is concerned too much about being rejected. At the same time, the only approval to be worried about is the respect and self-acceptance.

My interactions with others are both tolerant and warm, but with the elements of hostility and impatience. Besides my type A behavior pattern can be harmful to relationships, it can be also very damaging to my health. Moreover, there is an increased risk of heart disease. However, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, and other factors may provoke and stimulate similar diseases as well.

To conclude, there are many aspects that are needed to be taken into account in order to be a successful entrepreneur. Based on my test results, the most important are competency in human relations, communications skills and technical knowledge along with motivation to perform oh the highest level, which depends a lot upon setting the right goals.

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