Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls essay

The feminism revolution has been a contemporary issue in the society. As such, the author presents the notion of increased feminism amidst the rise of organization like NOW (the National Organization for Women). Additionally, instead of proving to kids that behavioral differences by sex are innate, the kids should be raised as an index to how uncompleted the feminist revolution is.

The author likens the behavioral characteristics to Barbie, a present offered to a friend's child. Ironically, as the women hate the sporting convection, there would be no mother who would hesitate to encourage their sons to participate in such sports. As such, the theories of innate difference in behavior are fascinating. Tentatively, they permit grownups to take the path of least resistant to the foremost culture. These theories explain why the adult world is the way it is. Additionally, it explains the differential in behavior between the two sexes.

The paradox presented in the feminism world is the way the world is rigid and hierarchical sex roles evoked by determinist theories. With retrospect to the nursing world, the doctors are male as the females are the nurses. However in the contemporary world the roles reversed as half of the medical students are females amidst male application into the nursing schools. As such, the six year old kids are aware of these issues.

With retrospect to sex roles, the, individuals seek to what is achievable and conform to what is essential. Undoubtedly, biological determinism reassures adults' regarding their present, but it is the ideology of flexible and converging sex roles that shape the children's future. This explains the debate whereby for every stereotype kid there is another who is breaking one down. At times, it happens concurrently as is the kid who skateboards as well as undertakes cooking in after school program.

As such, the feminist impose their 'motifs' on their children consciously or unconsciously. Adults are responsible for inculcating these behaviors to these children as it involves tremendous work in changing their religious and behavioral characteristics.

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