Texas Constitution Assignment essay

The Texas Constitution amendment number HJR 1052 considered on the 83rd regular session relates to the 'automatic admission to a public institution of higher education of a child of a person who dies while on or as a result of active duty in the United States armed forces' (Lavender). The author of the project is Lavender. The proposed amendment would guarantee for such child to be enrolled to an undergraduate program of the higher education institution he or she applies to is he or she meets at least the minimum requirements of the institution. It applies to the 2014 - 2015 academic year. The amendment is going to be put into action with the beginning of the school year, September 1. There is, of course, the positive side as well as the negative side of such act. Among the advantages, one could name the assured opportunity for a child to acquire a diploma in order to be able to have sufficient income and support his or her family, which had lost the breadwinner and an assured income source. Also it could count as a tribute of the United States to the families that suffered for the sake of the nation`s wellbeing. Among the negative sides, one could name the unfair competition within the higher education facilities, as the prospective student with a great potential might lose the chance to be enrolled for the sake of such child. However, I consider it a good idea to adopt such amendment and I believe the voters will to as I see the advantages of it solid and reasonable.

The Texas Constitution amendment number SJR 20 considered on the above - mentioned regular session proposes to dedicate the tax part to the state highway fund. Nichols proposes it. The pros of this act are: the revenue derived from this tax will be aimed to repay the bonds interest and it will be derived from the tax on the sold motor vehicles. The cons are: the people of the Texas State would object paying additional taxes. Personally, I believe it to be a necessary amendment, as the highways are built from the amount of money gained from the taxes paid. It is an adequate decision of the state governors to hold this tax exactly from the part of the population that actually uses the highways. I do not see any reason for such amendment to be rejected by voters, however, as the people do not want to pay more under any conditions, I guess they would meet it without any excitement. The act is presented to the voters on November 5, 2013.

The Texas Constitution amendment number HJR 1030 presented by Burnam deals with the arms sales in the Texas state. It is 'relating to the authority of a political subdivision to prohibit the sale of firearms on public property in certain circumstances' (Burnam). The bill aims to regulate the arms discharge, use, transportation and storage. It states that the changes will be introduced to the rights to carry the guns in public places, to the hours of sport shooting range operation. Moreover, the population of the Texas State now will buy the arms from the retail stores only, property of the municipality will not sell firearms anymore. The act does not require the vote to be put into action. It takes effect of the September 1, 2013. The advantages of the act are: the controlled firearms turnover in the Texas State, the ability of the governors to search for a gun owner in the case of necessity, if the gun was bought in the authorized permanent retail store, the controllable use of guns in the public places. Due to the Connecticut school incident, people of the United States are now concerned about this subject. I believe if the vote was required, the voters would agree with this amendment. However, on the other side, it violates the 2ndUS Constitution amendment, therefore, many people would disagree and disrespect it. Personally, I believe it to be necessary to be able to protect a person`s life or property, but the United States really need to revise its policy of the firearms approachability.

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